Saturday, May 29, 2010

Tristan Guerin - Musician

This Friday, I had the pleasure of shooting for Tristan Guerin, who is currently an aspiring musician. I first met Tristan in High School where we both played in Orchestra. He’s currently working on starting a new band. Tristan is an excelent musician, that can play the piano, guitar, and bassoon. And let me tell you, hes amazing at all of them. Anyway we got some shots for his breakout band, and possible solo career. The locations were varied from a concert quality auditorium to Eastern University, a local college. Enjoy!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Bad Weather: A "Thunderous" Opportunity

Bad weather always presents amazing photo opportunities. These opportunities range from the cool effect rain can have on nature, and the flora and fauna. To the amazing lightning strikes that can illuminate the sky an electric blue to a fiery red. In lu of these many opportunities PictureCorrect photography has released an amazing article enlightening us to the amazing-ness that is bad weather; Enjoy!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Sorry for the Break

Its gotten quite busy around here with the school year coming to a close so its been difficult getting things posted. However, today I found the time for a quick post and found a few things that might be interesting to you first time wedding photographers, with a nice pairing to an article about natural lighting vs. artificial.


Natural vs. Artificial Lighting

Monday, May 17, 2010


Interested in Photojournalism, check this out has some great stuff if you're indeed interested in photojournalism.

Also if landscape photography is your thing and you're not sure where to start, these tips and techniques might help get you started and headed in the right direction.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Swan Restaurant

There is a local restaurant here that is known for having swans in their pond, and I thought it would be nice to capture the surroundings with photography and here are the results.

Disaster in the Gulf

In light of the recent oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico here is a link to see some of the damage and maybe inspire some to send any kind of donation to help with the cleanup efforts

Disaster Unfolds Slowly in the Gulf of Mexico

Friday, May 14, 2010

Flickr Photographers

If you're looking for some amazing shots and some really great photography check out JIm Patterson over at Flickr

Thursday, May 13, 2010

PictureCorrect Photography Tips

So found another cool link, PictureCorrect has alot of helpful tips and what not, here are two

Today's Shoot

So with today being such a lovely day here in Philly two friends stopped by for a photo shoot and here are the results hope you enjoy


So just starting this blog, thought it would be a good way of getting my work out there and do a bit of self promotion along with a place for anyone with photographic interests to view links and news in the photography world.

Anyway Welcome and Enjoy!
